Interreg NEXT MED Programme is looking for external experts to support the evaluation of project proposals

The deadline for submitting applications is May 27, 2024 at 12:00 CET.

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Interreg NEXT MED is currently seeking professionals to join its roster of experts in charge of supporting the Managing Authority in the evaluation of project proposals.

Interested candidates, fulfilling the requirements specified in the call for expression of interest, are invited to submit their applications according to one of the following profiles:

• Profile A – thematic evaluators to support the quality evaluation of submitted project proposals based on the criteria set in the Guidelines for Applicants;
• Profile B – State aid experts to assess if planned project activities may fall under the regime of State aid according to the relevant EU Regulations;
• Profile C – Environmental experts to verify the potential environmental effects of pre-selected proposals, providing recommendations for ensuring the compliance with the environmental standards of the approved projects.

Applications, to be submitted in English or French by May 27, 2024 at 12:00 CET by sending an email to, shall include the following documents in pdf version:

Application form duly filled in, dated and signed;
• CV in Europass format (template available here) duly filled in, dated and signed.
• ID document.

For further information on your tasks and fees, please refer to the call for expression of interest.

Do not miss this opportunity to contribute to the implementation of the Interreg NEXT MED Programme.

Results of selection_05.07.024

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