We are pleased to announce that the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) related to the first call for proposals of the Interreg NEXT MED Programme are now available on the programme’s website. This is an excellent resource for potential applicanst and partners seeking clarifications and guidance on various aspects of the call for proposals.
FAQs have been organized according to the following categories:
1. General information on the call for proposals
2. Eligibility of applicants and partners
3. Financial issues, budget and eligible costs
4. Application Form
Based the procedure indicated in the Guidelines for Applicants, specific queries on the call for proposals shall be sent exclusively in English or French to nextmed.questions@regione.sardegna.it. Questions sent to other email addresses or through other channels may not be considered. Replies to queries will be given within 10 days. Questions of general interest, along with their answers, will be published regularly in the FAQs section. It’s highly recommended to consult this page often to stay informed.
Consistently with the principle of equal treatment, the Programme management structures cannot provide opinions on the eligibility of an applicant, a partner, a project, or specific activities before submission.