Appel ouvert pour la deuxième édition des Prix Méditerranéens

Ce prix récompense le travail de personnes et/ou d’institutions qui, par leur trajectoire ou leurs projets, ont contribué à renforcer l’identité méditerranéenne, en promouvant un développement durable et intégré sur toutes ses rives. La date limite pour postuler est le 29 mai 2024 à 12 heures HEC.

Date de publication
Temps de lecture
2 minutes

Contenu disponible uniquement en anglais.

The Junta de Andalucía (Regional Government of Andalusia, Spain), through the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation, has the honour to present the call for the 2nd Edition of the Mediterranean Awards, under the auspices of the Intermediterranean Commission of the Conference of Peripheral and Maritime Regions. The success achieved by the first edition of this initiative – with participants from 16 different countries and almost 100 high-quality applications- reaffirms their commitment to make these Awards a solid and prestigious benchmark for the entire Mediterranean region.

The Mediterranean Awards were created in 2021 as a tool to make visible the best practices in the Mediterranean in the areas included in the European and Mediterranean agenda. The objective of these Awards, which are born with the intention of enduring over time, is to recognize the work of people and/or institutions, companies and other organisations that with their trajectory or projects have contributed to boosting the Mediterranean identity, promoting sustainable and integrated development on all its shores, fostering peace, intercultural and interreligious dialogue in the Mediterranean basin, focusing on the elements that are common to us in order to overcome what separates us.

Candidates can submit their own nominations directly or be proposed by a third party in one or both of the existing categories. Nominations by candidates or by third parties may be submitted by national, regional or local governments; academic and cultural institutions; members of the jury, companies and other organisations or any person acting on his/her own behalf, from anywhere in the world.

Applications, together with the required documentation, must be sent by filling in the form hosted for this purpose on this website: . Likewise, a letter of candidacy will be sent through the mentioned form in any of the following languages: Spanish, English or French.

The electronic mail will be the contact address to report any technical incident or query in relation to these Awards.

The deadline for application is 29th May, 2024, at 12h noon, Central European Time (CET)

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